We ended 2012 with a bang with an unexpected December class. A dynamite class it was with 20 eager students. All but one passed the class and a few who passed are still working on the licensing exam.
I am deluged with calls about the next class which has not yet been scheduled. If you are interested in taking a prelicensing class, please call the Maui College at 984-3231 to be placed on the wait list. They will notify you when I schedule my next class.
Here is a hint. Sometimes I find a break in my schedule and am able, if there is a classroom available at the college, to schedule a class that was not previously planned on--depending on the demand. So it is always a good idea for you to place your name on the list so we have an idea of how many people are interested in taking it. That is why I gave the class in December even though I had not planned on it. So please call 984-3231 if you want to be on the list.
Hope to see you in class soon.