Friday, July 11, 2014


Aloha Friends-

Because of the many requests such as yours, I have arranged to hold an 11 day accelerated class this fall. I have had over 100 inquiries since my last class began. Thank you so much for your interest!
When and Where the class will be held
The dates of the class will be September 29-October 10, 2014. The class will be held live at the Maui Mall from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Daily including Saturday on days one through six of the course. Sunday will consist of a take home midterm reviewing all of the class work already covered. Monday through Thursday of the following week class will be held from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM. The course final exam consisting of Uniform and Hawaii exam questions will be held on Friday, October 10 from 8:00 AM TO 12:00 Noon. Attendance is required at all classes and a passing score of 70% on both the Uniform and Hawaii portions of the course final to pass the course. A certificate to those who pass the course will be awarded after the class final which will allow entry to the Hawaii real estate licensing exam with the proper fee and registration. Total cost of the course instruction including materials is $880.00 plus tax paid upon registration. There are no refunds once class has started.
For General Information on real estate licensing in Hawaii please go to .
When REGISTRATIONS will be taken
Registrations will be taken beginning September 1, 2014 on a first come first served basis. Registrations must be accompanied by payment. Class size will be limited due to room constraints. Registrations will be taken at   after September 1, 2014. This course may be canceled at any time prior to registrations.
You should receive an email alerting you to the availability of registration applications and payment.  In the meantime you can check out my blogspot at for any updated information as it may become available.
To answer the inevitable question, I do not have any live classes planned beyond this date at this time.
Online Sales Prelicensing Course
If you will be unable to make the Fall class or would like to take a real estate sales prelicensing class right away please go to the online class that I offer on my website at . You can join and log on any time 24/7 and begin immediately! I provide individual support on the course where you can ask an email question on any page and expect a response from me for any questions that you may have or concepts that may require more clarification. Read the course descirption on my website or check out my blogspot for more information.
Thank you for your interest in my live class. See you in September!


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